Craving Pizza and other ramblings


For some reason, I’ve been craving Pizza again. Sighs, not just the kind of pizza you can get from any delivery service, but that crispy, cheap toaster oven pizza you can get for a dollar.

I’m getting older. I was mucking about in the Amazon app and decided that I didn’t need most of the crap that was in my cart. Now, it’s time to weed things down to the budget. My budget is abysmally small. Yet, I want to celebrate my 21 years clean by getting something a little something.

I have been thinking of taking up painting again. This has two inspirations. I had been going through my social media account, and saw some paintings that I’d done years ago. I missed the relaxation of painting, and yet that didn’t get me started.

What got to me was my journal. I’ve been working on some homework in my journal and decided to go to my favorite old style of bullet journaling with a combination of the current style. This style eats up paper, but paper is cheap.

A couple of years back I’d done my daily homework in my bujo, and got much better at doing it. When I was working in the blog, I’d seen a pic in my uploads that inspired me to go back to that format.

Old format number one.
Old format number two.

These are the only formats that I had used, but were among my favorites.

New format one, daily lists
New format two, tasks and time log.
New format three, rapid logging and journal pages.

The pencils I use are a combination of water colors and cheap standard colored pencils. I’m using about 6 pages per day, with homework and journaling. The pens are a combo of fountain pens and paper mate flair mediums.

I’m getting the daily homework done, and pre-color the pages a day or so ahead in order to have plenty to work on. The last thing I do every day is set up the next day’s pages, with the grids and time logs. I enter in several things on the task list, and enjoy the work. It’s relaxing.

So, why the urge to paint? I jumped down the Amazon rabbit hole over the last couple of days. Before I knew it, there was a couple of hundred dollars worth of paints, canvas, easels and what-nots in the cart. The kicker, the tiny tiny budget. So, I will stick with the water-color pencils and a couple of things, and wait for the canvases and other things for a later date.

Note: using water colors in bullet journals can lead to mold and other issues, this is WATER. So be sure to dry thoroughly before shutting the journal.

I use paper towels as blotter sheets and switch them out over time. I also never fully wet the pages.

Standby for the recovery related post later today. -L

Study methods I use

Back in 3rd grade, I was taught by Mrs Jacobsen about the SQ3R method of learning. She was not my favorite teacher, but I think that she taught me more that year than any other teacher I had the opportunity to learn from.

Here is a link to the SQ3R method. To break it down, I skim the chapters of the book I am reading. In the Big Book that means starting with the table of contents. It means I look through the paragraphs of the chapters, and get the general idea of what that chapter is about. I write down some questions I have about the chapter. I read the chapter, answering those questions. I write down the main points of the chapter, and then reread the chapter. In the case of my personally owned books, I highlight important notes in those chapters.

Another study method I use is working with a partner. My partner and I sit down and read whatever chapter together. We research the topic, and reference other information available. Google is our friend in this. In studying together, we each reach a higher understanding of the program.

There are also study meetings. These meetings work through the book, read a few paragraphs or pages of the book and discuss the topic. Those meetings are almost always exceptionally note taking heavy meetings. After the meeting, at home, I re-review the information presented, and take a look at what I have learned.

That’s about all I have on this topic. Have a good day.

Time limits on step work: I.E. deadlines, an essay

I assign time limits for step style homework to those I sponsor. 

Why on earth would I do that?

The reason is simple: Procrastination breeds procrastination. The mess is still going to be there whether you put it off one day or ten months. Procrastination also breeds doubt in myself. The longer I put off doing some vital recovery work, the larger the homework becomes in my head. Read pages 417 through 420 in the Big Book if you want a reference for this.

I, like the author of Acceptance was the answer, have a magic magnifying mind. I can make mountains out of molehills in seconds. The longer I put things off, the worse the problem becomes. So, the sooner I get off my dead arse and get busy, the healthier I will become.

So, I give deadlines to myself, as well as to the people I sponsor. Extending those deadlines, I have learned, only prolongs the ripping off of the bandaids, and is not a kindness. I am not an advocate of working one step per year. I am an advocate of starting step 2 the day step 1 is finished etc..

That’s all for now.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Daily Homework: During the day edition

When you get agitated or doubtful, ask God for the right thought or action.

Dr Bob used the following “yardsticks” to help him in recovery on a day to day basis.

Is thing thing I’m about to say or do….

  1. Absolutely Honest?
  2. Absolutely Unselfish?
  3. Absolutely Pure?
  4. Done with Absolute Love?

If yes, you are fine….

Remind yourself Constantly –> You are no longer running the show, that you have a new Employer, and that Employer is God, Pray “Thy will be done.”
Take time to study the literature:

  • Study for at least 15 minutes per day.
  • Highlight in your book, the things that stand out to you.
  • Take notes.
  • Look up the definitions to the words you do not understand. Write the definitions in the margins of your book.
  • Start with the inside of the front cover, and don’t stop until you get to the back cover.

Huggage! You can absolutely do this. I have faith in you! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Daily Cares

For years, we’ve done anything we could to punish ourselves. In many cases, it is a symptom of a pending relapse. It is finally time to start ting care of ourselves. Our minds will follow.

Every day:

  1. Get up and go to bed at the same time. Meaning if you get up at 7AM, get up at 7AM every day. If you go to bed at 10 PM, go to bed at 10 PM every day.
  2. Make your bed.
  3. Take a shower.
  4. Brush your teeth
  5. Put on deodorant.
  6. Get dressed in clean clothes.
  7. Put on your shoes.
  8. Eat a minimum of 3 meals per day.
  9. Get moving, do some physical activity, (other than jumping to conclusions) for a few minutes.
  10. If you take medications, take them exactly as prescribed, and on time. Keep track of whether or not you have taken your medication today.
  11. If your Dr. suggests this, keep track of what you are eating. Especially if you have issues with food.

Huggage, you can do this. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at