Good Morning

Catechism Clips
Catechism Clips (Photo credit: thicke)

I’ve been working very hard on my prayer life lately, as well as on improving myself. It’s been a joy, and a treasure. However, I’ve been neglecting my knitting and crochet.
It seems to me that I’m going to have to let the knitting and crochet stay neglected this week. Here’s what’s going on.

house (Photo credit: serenejournal)

In working on getting my own house in order, I’ve adopted many of the flylady ideas. That works for me, with some adaptations to fit my own lifestyle. I’ve been getting some routines down, and I am living a new lifestyle. However, I don’t dress to the shoes right away every morning. I’ve learned that until the coffee pot and I settle our differences, I am truly an out-of-sorts type of person.

Coffee Beans
Coffee Beans (Photo credit: nate steiner)

I’m afraid to face the shower at that time in my day. I also have concerns about whether or not the clothes will actually physically work on my body. One morning, it was brought to my attention that I had my sweater on backwards.

prayer.. (Photo credit: aronki)

Therefore, my priorities in the morning have coffee and morning prayers first.

I’m also working hard on my religious beliefs. In tithing my time to God, I am looking for ways I can truly dedicate my life to the Lord. Part of that is spent either physically at the church, whether I am participating in the Mass or not. Part of that time is spent studying the Catechism and the Scriptures. This works for me.

The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United St...
The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United States Library of Congress, demonstrating printed pages as a storage medium. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are also preparing for my Husband’s surgery next Monday. In preparing for his surgery, I’m making sure that I have things organized and ready to go. We’re going to need a cooler in the van, with meals for me. We’re going to need to have the bed in the back of the van set up for my husband afterwards for the trip home. This is one of those same-day surgeries, and I want him to be as comfortable as possible.

English: The main entrance to the Sanford Hosp...
English: The main entrance to the Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m also working on the behind-the-scenes things here at Part of that is obvious, I’m researching the topics and ideas that I will be presenting in future podcasts and blog posts. I’ve also been reading quite a bit, out of my fiber arts library, for future technique of the week ideas.

Laptops (Photo credit: ex.libris)

Yet, the reason I started this blog, and the podcast is because I love the fiber arts. Working with fiber is the best way to relieve my stress each day. Working with fiber saves other’s lives, because I don’t want to either lose my place in the pattern, or I don’t want to create any problems. Sighs.

It’s a catch-22 I tell ya. I want to give 100% to this and to that, but instead, I’m learning that I need to find balance in my day.

So, here’s the plan, just for today. In addition to my 15 minutes here and there of cleaning and such. I’m going to take a 15 minute fiber break. I think that the world will be a much better place for it.

You can find me in many places:

Member of the Catholic Knitter’s Network

Each week’s podcast will post on Saturday at 12:30 PM Central Time

If you would like to send a private message

The iTunes link has changed, if you want to subscribe via iTunes, please click anonymousknitter on iTunes

My family member’s blogs and podcasts…

The new Webs Catalog


I’ve wasted a morning looking at another catalog. Yes, I am guilty as charged. I think I’m in love with the webs catalog.


No, I lied, I know I am in love with the webs catalog.


There were only 2 patterns featured that were shudder worthy. In the whole catalog. I have so many want to do projects out of that catalog, that I may switch to Webs as my yarn supplier in 2013… ;o)


English: Yarn Русский: смесовая пряжа
English: Yarn Русский: смесовая пряжа (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In fact, I may break my own rule. The Camel Cape, on page 59 is just luscious! It’s got great drape, a sweet cable, and interesting edging. The yarn, with color gradients, looks so sweet! I may have to download the pattern, and…


Okay, deep breath, back away from the catalog. Put the debit card down. HOLD THE PHONE! While it can be put on a list of wants, it’s not a demonstrated need. Breathe.


Cashmere Cable Knit

My pulse is slowly returning to normal. It’s a good thing I had to look up the spelling of luscious, because the dictionary is covering the catalog. Okay, my blood pressure is slowly returning to normal.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK (Photo credit: Morning Calm News)

I’ve had my “full flight from reality” moment.


The cost of that particular project?


  1. Pattern: $2.99 pdf download
  2. Cold Spring yarn: 39% wool, 36% fine acrylic, 25% baby alpaca, 12 balls of yarn, $5.49 (discountable-whatever that means) add 4 extra balls of yarn for oopsies… 16 balls of yarn =87.64
  3. Project total? 90.83

The cost of my whole wardrobe doesn’t come to 90.83…


Okay, I’m swinging into depression here.  I’m trying very hard to not be a “downright mental defective” about it.

Straight Jacket
Straight Jacket (Photo credit: PhotoAtelier (Glen))



it is quite lovely. Too bad Santa is on strike at our house this year. I’d be tempted to bribe the old fat man with mittens to get this…


Oh well. I’m putting the catalog away, and I’m going to just get on with my day.


Louise Ann Benjamin


You can find me in many places:


Member of the Catholic Knitter’s Network


Each week’s podcast will post on Saturday at 12:30 PM Central Time



If you would like to send a private message


The iTunes link has changed, if you want to subscribe via iTunes, please click anonymousknitter on iTunes


My family member’s blogs and podcasts…


My life is unmanageable

I’ve been trying to write all morning, and I have accomplished quite a bit. I’ve thrown several posts away. Meaning posts in progress. I’ve taken a shower and dressed. I’ve done about an hour of research. Sum total of my visible accomplishments? I’ve taken a shower.

Lake Okabena Sunset, Minnesota
Lake Okabena Sunset, Minnesota (Photo credit: M H Ryle)

It seems that every time I turned around, the distractions out weighed the actual work. I’m tempted to take my laptop, growing feeble in it’s old age, my knitting, and run. The reason I’m tempted to do this?

There’s a war movie playing in the next room. The dogs desperately want Mama attention, and my stress level has been steadily rising for the last hour. It seems that my brain just can’t focus today. Or can it?

I’m thinking that maybe I am focusing on the wrong things today. I write this post, with the full knowledge that I have so much to do. And yet, I am not enjoying the process of writing at this time. I’d much rather spend time outside, enjoying one of the last truly nice fall days.

Sunrise over Okabena Lake
Sunrise over Okabena Lake (Photo credit: juliaschrenkler)

I’d rather be outside, knitting.

So, rather than do some mega-intelligent work here. That’s what I am going to do this morning. I’m going to pack up, laptop, podcasting equipment, writing materials, and throw them in the stroller. I’m going to go take a walk, find a nice spot in the park, and get back to work.

I’m thinking one of the shelter houses by the lake would be a good place. Either that, or heading out to the library, and looking up some things for the book.

KsFishermen2009_lg (Photo credit: M H Ryle)

I’m going to play hooky from the lists, and go be a hooker today. Hey, there’s a couple of meetings today, and I’m thinking of going out and enjoying them as well.






So, I am going to be irresponsible, and I’m going to go have a bit of fun for the rest of my day!

Louise Ann Benjamin

You can find me in many places:

Member of the Catholic Knitter’s Network

Each week’s podcast will post on Saturday at 12:30 PM Central Time

If you would like to send a private message

The iTunes link has changed, if you want to subscribe via iTunes, please click anonymousknitter on iTunes

My family member’s blogs and podcasts…

Little Purse

Crocheted Purse:

Hook Size ‘E’3.5 mm Crochet lite hook

Yes, I am using a very small hook for the yarn. I want the rows to be tight.

Yarn: Red Heart Worsted weight  “Monet

Chain 21

Row 1: 20 sc at the end of the row, do 20 sc in the starting chain again. Connect with a slst.

Row 2: 40 sc in the round, connect with a slst

Row 3: 40 sc, connect with a  slst

Row 4: front post single crochet, 40 stitches

Row 5: Ch 2, PM (Place Marker) Do 39 front post double crochets, connect with a slst

Repeat Row5 for depth you want of the Purse… I went for the size of my Droid 4 phone

Do one row of front post single crochet

For the flap:

Turn at the end of the last row,

1: Slip stitch 20 stitches through the back loop only

Be sure to count your slip stitches every row, or you might have to use language unbecoming a crocheter.

When the flap is over 1.2 way down the side of the purse:

slip stitch 8, ch 4 (skip 4 stitches), slip stitch 8

slip stitch 5 more rows through the back loop

Weave in your ends and stitch on a button of your choice.

If you want to add a strap, you can easily either knit or crochet an i-cord strap and attach it.

Afghan square number 1 Warning uses ambidextrous crochet techniques



If you want to follow along with my “wedding afghan pattern” here is the first square.

Yarn: Red Heart Worsted Weight Acrylic-A: lavender, B:light grey, and C: orchid 4 skeins each

Hook: Boye’s K/101/2-6.50MM
Coffee: Decaf Caramel Truffle blend
Distractions: 3 dogs, 3 cats and the radio
Special Stitches…

The chainless foundation….

Tunisian double crochet: Chain 3, in 2nd stitch from hook, yo draw up a loop, in stitch from row below, yo pick up a loop, yo draw through 2 loops, yo draw through 2 loops. In horizontal bar, yo draw up a loop, in the row below yo draw up a loop… Repeat across the row…

Left Hand crochet as well as right handed crochet. The rows which use the left handed version of crochet will be marked LH otherwise RH marks the right handed rows

You will be using two strands of yarn through out the project, either AB, AC or BC for colors vary them as you wish.

With AC

Row 1:RH 10 double crochets with the chainless foundation technique

Row 2: RH Chain 3, 9 double crochet

Row 3: RH Tunisian double crochet

Row 4 : LH Tunisian double crochet

Row 5: RH double crochet 10 stitches

Row 6: RH double crochet 10 Stitches

Have a good cuppa coffee, and make 10 more of these. ;o)

Louise Benjamin
Louise Ann Benjamin

You can find me in many places:

Member of the Needlework Podcast Network

Drop me a line, and let me know what you think..

My family member’s blogs and podcasts…

There may be more…