Attack of the killer UFO’s


Crap. I’ve been spending the last hour or so organizing my knitting tools. I have a big project bag for UFO’s. And they are evil.

Totally freaking evil. There’s the Pi shawls from heck. They were supposed to be done quite awhile ago. Then there is the project I started yesterday. The potholder made from i cord. Then there is the meetings shawl.

A meetings shawl is a memorized pattern that I can do while focusing on other things. It’s in crochet, and is a triangular granny square. Sighs. It’s still in progress. Though I found another skein of yarn for it.

The there is the other Pi shawl. The 10 stitch potholder, the slipper socks, the afghan, the sewing projects, the yada yada yada….

I love knitting and crochet. I love spinning yarn. We won’t talk about the spinning wheel lurking in the garage until I can get more room in the main house. Where am I going to find more room?!? I love weaving, thankfully, that’s a table top loom. I love sewing, and and and and………

Sighs. I’m a little overwhelmed, but several stitcherly projects are now settled in on my bed. I don’t have room for them anywhere else right now. I better get back to cleaning.

Hope your day is a good one. -L

Good Morning

Catechism Clips
Catechism Clips (Photo credit: thicke)

I’ve been working very hard on my prayer life lately, as well as on improving myself. It’s been a joy, and a treasure. However, I’ve been neglecting my knitting and crochet.
It seems to me that I’m going to have to let the knitting and crochet stay neglected this week. Here’s what’s going on.

house (Photo credit: serenejournal)

In working on getting my own house in order, I’ve adopted many of the flylady ideas. That works for me, with some adaptations to fit my own lifestyle. I’ve been getting some routines down, and I am living a new lifestyle. However, I don’t dress to the shoes right away every morning. I’ve learned that until the coffee pot and I settle our differences, I am truly an out-of-sorts type of person.

Coffee Beans
Coffee Beans (Photo credit: nate steiner)

I’m afraid to face the shower at that time in my day. I also have concerns about whether or not the clothes will actually physically work on my body. One morning, it was brought to my attention that I had my sweater on backwards.

prayer.. (Photo credit: aronki)

Therefore, my priorities in the morning have coffee and morning prayers first.

I’m also working hard on my religious beliefs. In tithing my time to God, I am looking for ways I can truly dedicate my life to the Lord. Part of that is spent either physically at the church, whether I am participating in the Mass or not. Part of that time is spent studying the Catechism and the Scriptures. This works for me.

The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United St...
The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United States Library of Congress, demonstrating printed pages as a storage medium. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are also preparing for my Husband’s surgery next Monday. In preparing for his surgery, I’m making sure that I have things organized and ready to go. We’re going to need a cooler in the van, with meals for me. We’re going to need to have the bed in the back of the van set up for my husband afterwards for the trip home. This is one of those same-day surgeries, and I want him to be as comfortable as possible.

English: The main entrance to the Sanford Hosp...
English: The main entrance to the Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m also working on the behind-the-scenes things here at Part of that is obvious, I’m researching the topics and ideas that I will be presenting in future podcasts and blog posts. I’ve also been reading quite a bit, out of my fiber arts library, for future technique of the week ideas.

Laptops (Photo credit: ex.libris)

Yet, the reason I started this blog, and the podcast is because I love the fiber arts. Working with fiber is the best way to relieve my stress each day. Working with fiber saves other’s lives, because I don’t want to either lose my place in the pattern, or I don’t want to create any problems. Sighs.

It’s a catch-22 I tell ya. I want to give 100% to this and to that, but instead, I’m learning that I need to find balance in my day.

So, here’s the plan, just for today. In addition to my 15 minutes here and there of cleaning and such. I’m going to take a 15 minute fiber break. I think that the world will be a much better place for it.

You can find me in many places:

Member of the Catholic Knitter’s Network

Each week’s podcast will post on Saturday at 12:30 PM Central Time

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My family member’s blogs and podcasts…

My hands are sore

I’ve probably knit for 18 hours in the last 48. My hands are pretty sore, but miraculously, my shoulders and back are not.

I went to youtube yesterday, and browsed some of the videos on the yarn harlot, and I found a couple that show how she knits.

The change is amazing!

A little hand stiffness, compared to being in so much pain I have to lay down… Holy smokes!

It’s called “Irish cottage knitting”.

I hope you try it… It really helps!


where to find the clues to Anna Makarovna socks

Main Street, Worthington - 1895
Main Street, Worthington – 1895 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello all,

This post is pretty link heavy, but I hope that this helps.

I’ve included quite a few links, but this is where I went to learn how to do Anna Makarovna socks.

Louise Benjamin

Worthington, MN

Tough Knit

knitting through the back loop (IMG_3060)
knitting through the back loop (IMG_3060) (Photo credit: mollydot)

Almost 10 pm, do you know where your knitting is?

I’ve returned from a visit with my Sister, one of my cousins, and my Aunty. It’s time for a cigarette and some knitting or crochet goodness.

While I was gone, my knitting was scattered from one end of the house to the other… Just kidding. Valentine didn’t touch my knitting this time. However, there was no progress made on my knitting. It seems that when I leave to visit or go somewhere without my knitting, I expect it to be somehow larger or more stitches done when I get back.

I open my knitting or crochet bag, and it stares at me. It’s stitches glare at me accusingly, and tell me how neglected they are. The rows seemed to actually reduce in number from the last time I picked up my project, and the errors seem to have multiplied like rabbits.

The guilt, as I sit there, looking at my wip does take over for a half a minute.

Then I realize, I’m playing head games with myself, and I pick up my project and get back to work.

That’s all for now, I’ve got a couple of projects to get back to.

Louise Ann Benjamin

Worthington, MN