I don’t wanna you can’t make me

Hey, I’ve been in front of the laptop all day watching videos and playing dominoes or cribbage. Duke is being the goodest.

The husband unit asked me to do a grocery run, and I realized that what he wanted the store he asked me to go to just wouldn’t work. Instead, I did a wally world order, and I have to pick it up in an hour. What he doesn’t know is that he probably saved 45 dollars doing it my way.

I’ve been stitching on the patchwork dress again. It’s a slow stitch project, and I’m just not in the mood to get out a machine to work on it. Ultimately, once I put the patchwork on the backing fabric, I’ll be slow stitching that down as well. It’s going to be lined the whole way, and I will have to be careful with the seams.

I will be felling down or french seaming the whole thing because when you run edges through a serger, they itch like mad. Nope, don’t want to go that route.

Meanwhile, I’m going to be enjoying some coleslaw and potato salad with my supper tonight, and life is still good. Take care my friends. -L

It’s okay to be on the bottom rung of the ladder

Morning, I’ve been chugging along at the morning routine, trying to get the brain jump started. Most days, I at least make the attempt at thinking. Some days, well, it’s like trying to jump start a car with no battery.

I realize that I’m never going to be Asimov or Heinlein. I’m a low key blogger, and I’m good with that. I’m tickled that I have and can maintain my own website. My most treasured posessions are a keyboard and my sewing needles.

It’s a good thing. I don’t have to wear the great designers, and I certainly don’t have to keep up with the latest information coming down the pike. I’m okay with the fact that I wear historical adjacent clothes.

I have never been to Disney or the Black Hills. I will never go. My main ride is a drive medical wheelchair from Amazon. Most of my modern clothing is 2nd or 3rd hand.

I’m okay with being poor, as long as once in a blue moon I can get some doritos or an eggroll. Life is good enough, and at the bottom rung, along with millions upon millions of the 90 percent, life is good.

Today’s plan, stitch a little, snuggle my dog, and drink coffee. Those are good plans. Take care, my gentle friends, distance hugs, -L

Why I don’t paint, sketch or draw anymore

I guess it’s not that I’m not good, or willing to keep going with it. I just want to do other things.

Yes, I’m a writer, and I do write fiction. I do short stories and of course I write here. I sew, knit, spin, weave, crochet and other atrocities to fiber arts.

I don’t sing anymore. I don’t write poetry. I don’t draw. I don’t paint.

I don’t want to. That’s just it. I don’t want to.

Hope you have a good one, I’m working my way through the steps again, this time with a Hazelden set of books. I’ve been burnt out on NA and AA for awhile. -L

Door dash for the 2nd time ever

Hey there, hope you are well. We are settled in with happy full bellies, and I didn’t have to haul ass all over hell to do it. Yep, I splurged on door dash.

As expensive as it is, it is a rare treat. I just couldn’t today. My pain levels are through the roof again, I know, shocker. Snort. I’m sitting up though, so that’s a change.

I do have to leave the house this afternoon. I have an appointment, and while that sucks, I don’t want to miss it. If I could get away with it, I’d ride my scooter, but you know, I hurt to much to make the full drive.

So, why door dash this morning? To be honest, it wasn’t trying to cook, it wasn’t even the food we have in the house. It was Mother’s Day. You know, that American holiday where we celebrate motherhood. This year, I saved up to get a loom, but since my first loom is here, and I’m setting it up, I decided to get something for the 2 of us.

I’ll probably do the same for father’s day, to be honest. And while a steak egg and cheese bagel isn’t gourmet, I’ve been craving one for the longest time. The only thing that would trump that delicacy is a spanish omelet bagel, which they don’t make anymore.

In other news, sewing and other stitchery is coming along. I have refurbished my Montgomery Ward sewing machine. I still need to find the serial number so I can get the manual. I want to make sure that I’m oiling that bitch correctly.

My patchwork dress is a slow stitching situation. I’ve been watching k39’s weekly videos where she slow stitches. I also watch Kristine Vike’s stitch along chats, sometimes live. At least in this way, I’m not stitching alone.

That’s about it, I’m still waiting for the pain pills to kick in. With this rain, I’m going to be behind the 8 ball for awhile. Take care, -L

Backstrap weaving… a first step

I have decided to give backstrap weaving a try. I picked up the wood to build my loom, and I am working on sanding it down.

Other than that, I have been slow stitching my patchwork dress. I am taking a sick day today. With the smoke in the air from the wildfire, it hurts to breathe.

Gentle hugs,  -L