Put it to work where you are at.

Good morning hugs, hope you are well. Young Master Duke is sprawled out on the bed. I’m working in the dungeon office, and my beloved has started talking to the spirits only he can hear again.

I’ve got some chores to do today. I’m going to be starting the switch from the living room to the garage today. I bring one box out, swap it for one box in. Later, I will be going to the store for a grocery pick up.

I’m going to need our cart for the work, both for swapping the garage and household things, and for the bringing grocery in things. The problem is the mattress sitting on the ramp. I’ve asked for some help and am waiting for them to decide when they can come and move the sucker.

The rest, I’m going to use the stuff we have to make the move work. I have a 2 wheeled cart, and a 4 wheeled grocery cart. Those are going to be put to good use. I can’t keep waiting for folks to come help me. It just needs to be done.

Hugs my friends, I better get back at it. -L