Not sure what’s going on here.

Hello all, my beloved is asleep, and young master Duke has taken over the bed I call my own. Yes, we sleep in separate beds, Duke must have his full body on bedding snuggling as much as possible, don’t be silly. However, I’m concerned.

When I woke up this morning, my sweetest didn’t have coffee made. He didn’t have a movie running, and he wasn’t sitting at the table smoking a cigarette. It didn’t register, as the necessary was screaming at me to get my arse in there before the world would end.

Afterwards, I hobbled towards the kitchen, and stopped short. My beloved Shuggie Lump was wrestling the portable dishwasher. I blinked, and went to the desk sans caffeinated heart starting goodness. I finished last night’s lemonade, and started reading the blogs and sites I normally start my day with.

Soon enough, Young Master Duke nudged me for his morning pain medicine, and I complied. Then I looked up. Hubsy was in bed. I cocked an eyebrow, but thought okay… I grabbed yesterday’s coffee container, and the now empty lemonade glass and went to the kitchen.

There were water stains on the rug over halfway to the fridge. Yes, we have a carpeted kitchen, get over it. The dishwasher was in the center of the room, and there was a towel on the floor, where he has sopped up some of the mess.

I started the coffee, and went to grab one of the dining area fans. I put it on the floor, aimed it at the water stains, and moved the dishwasher. I hit the necessary quick, and grabbed some breakfast for Duke and myself, and let him back outside. It doesn’t take alot of skull sweat to figure out that either the sink malfunctioned, the washer malfunctioned, or my husband malfunctioned.

In this house, it could be all 3 at once. Meanwhile, the floor is drying, and soon enough, I will head out to grab some grocery. I will also grab paper plates, just in case. My beloved needs all the support he can get. I’m sure that by the time I woke up, he was in so much pain he couldn’t see anymore.

I’m also sure that he had been battling that washer most of the night. There are days I dream of moving to assisted living, but until Young Master Duke crosses the rainbow bridge, this is impossible. He must have the fullest life he can, we made that promise to him when he adopted us.

Meanwhile, I better jump in the shower, and I might want to check under the sink shortly. If that area is soaking wet, I need to get the fan blowing under there too.

Take care my friends, hugs, -L

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